Monday, July 13, 2009
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Richard Wright dies at 65
There is no chance for Pink Floyd fans to see the reunion anymore. Over the years and since Live 8 there was always some hope that one day they start to play together, at least for a short period in a tour or something like that. Now Richard Wright has gone for ever and my excitement about David Gilmour new releases just died down. At least, deep down I know although he died when he was only 65, but overall he had a good time.
Read what David has to say.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
French Weblog
With the pace I am learning French these days, it is going to be good few years before I start to write a weblog in French. Not that I write in English regularly now, although I can, it's just a sheer exicitement of comuunicating with another language attracts me. Hopefully in a few years time, a link to my French weblog will appear in the left hand column. We'll see.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
International Film

If you want to know more about Iranian Cinema, this website is for you. I have been waiting for the "Film"'s website (the oldest Persian movie magazine) to be created but over the years, the obssessive perfectionist editors have not yet come across a website in which they feel satisfied. Although, nevertheless I receive a hard copy monthly I still hope they hurry up.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Waiting is over. David Gilmour's DVD and Mark Knopfler's new album are out. I've listened to Mark's new album only once so far. To be perfectly honest, I expected a better album. This is my first and immediate impression and I need to listen couple of times more to have my final conclusion. David Gilmour's performance however, as ever, is breath taking. I'm still watching the first DVD and still have a lot more to go through but I have seen enough to win my heart over. I'll write more once I watched them properly.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Last night, I was suprised to see Mr David Gilmour's live concert on National TV. I have to say, it is rare seeing Pink Floyd or a member performing even in the documantaries these days, let alone a live performance. To add more to my excitement, I just realised a 5 hour double DVD under the title "Remember That Night" is about to be released in mid September and finally if you think, like me, most of the music you hear these days is kind of rubbish, you have another reason to be excited. What? Mr Mark Knopfler is about to release a new album this month. No kidding.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
See this: 300 the movie
The Art of a Movie Protest
Iranian anger at Hollywood 'assault'
300 Sparks an Outcry in Iran
See this: 300 the movie
The Art of a Movie Protest
Iranian anger at Hollywood 'assault'
300 Sparks an Outcry in Iran
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